When is it OK to pick up the phone and call someone?
Is the correct answer “Never”?
Full disclosure: I’ve been busy and overwhelmed.
I’ve had water and electricity crises in my dental clinic just last fortnight, which have fortunately been sorted out after paying a lot of money for private service for the same. I’ve also been dealing with patient backlog and emergencies.
My question is:
Today, I ordered a water flosser for a patient who couldn’t find the exact item online. As he’s a sweet guy and is going to be my neighbor, I thought, “Easy peasy! I’ll just WhatsApp the business account that sells water flossers, it should be easy for me. One text, a Google Pay and the object will arrive at my doorstep and I can send it over to his home.”
However, after I texted the business account, the lady called me back.
I was having lunch!
It is my only lunch. My only break between shifts. I do NOT want to receive a call during my lunch that I do not HAVE to receive. (Like a patient who might pay me who is also in a kind of distress that I can relieve easily — so a financial + ego boost for me. I’m shallow that way.)
My question is: