Oh, so the bound books with children’s photographs in them have to be purchased by parents? That’s sad.
Here we have a school diary with the photos of all the super achievers of the year on the back. We also have a class photograph. If a child wants signatures, they get a notebook for it, and children share photographs for the notebook. There isn’t any “yearbook” concept.
So they’re very well-entrenched in American culture! Even you had a yearbook, and you’re his mom, so this concept is nothing new.
Thank you, this was a nice enlightening read. I like how you go from funny (no cameras when you have nuns instead) to angry (after swim) to non-helicopter parenting to Karen to philosophical and crowdfunding for yearbooks.
Woah. Quite a story.

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

Written by Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

I don’t just create smiles, I inspire them! Dentist, mom—Jamshedpur, India.

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